Friday, December 12, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Random Thoughts

Artistic Abilities:Random Thoughts

This week I was very busy and had no time to draw so I thought I would do a second "Talking about Art". This week I tried drawing the limited amount of free time that I had, but nothing was turing out good and I was getting tired. In art class I am doing a new realistic acrylic painting. I don't really know what to talk about, but I want to say that I love Iggy Azalea. I love her music and her story. By the way I am currently listening to her songs on spotify. I am so sorry I haven't posted a blog about art in two weeks. My birthday is in less than two weeks and I'm so excited to be fourteen. We did a secret santa with my friends and we gave the gifts today and my friend got me a Iggy Azalea shirt and I am in love with it. Tomorrow I am going to my friend's house to bake Christmas cookies and I'm so happy. I don't know where this blog is going but it's okay because I have nothing in my mind to blog about. I'm going to Big Bear during winter break and I'm so excited to go on vacation with my family. My uncle's girlfriend is moving here from Australia and I'm so happy because I haven't seen her in so long. Anyway, sorry this week's blog wasn't cool but next week will be better. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Talking About Art

Artistic Abilities: Talking About Art

This week I did not have the time to draw a picture so I decided to talk about art. For me, art is something that lets me show my creative side and lets me express my feelings. My drawings are drawings that mean something to me and they all have a different meaning behind them. I used to take piano lessons and I didn't like it much and I liked art better, so I took art classes instead and I'm so happy I did because I am so proud of myself for improving and caring so much about art. At art class I do many different mediums of art. MY favorite has to be oil paintings or acrylic. I love to paint and love mixing different colors to create new and beautiful ones. My least favorite medium is watercolor because it is to messy and I don't like the way my pictures turn out in watercolor. When I'm at home I love to put music on and draw. It takes my mind off everything and makes my boredom go away. I thank art for being the thing that makes me forget all my troubles. So thats it for this weeks blog, sorry it wasn't very interesting and I'll talk to you guys next week.