Monday, September 29, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Tyler Oakley (Youtuber)

Artistic Abilities: Tyler Oakley (Youtuber)

 This week I decided to do something a little different. I chose to draw and color one of my favorite youtubers', Tyler Oakley. The reason I decided on this picture is because I love his hair color and I wanted to draw something with a bit of color. I found this picture on the app "We Heart It". The materials I used were the Strathmore drawing book, a pencil, and Crayola colored pencils. First off I started to sketch the shape of his head. Then I began to draw in his glasses and ears. Following that I sketched in his hair but, I made it a little messy. After that I drew in the eyes and of coarse, I had trouble with it. A few minutes later I got it just the way I wanted. After, adding in the nose, mouth, and eyebrows, I took out my colored pencils. I looked at the picture of him I got from the app and began to color in his hair. Like I said, I love his hair! I love the color, Mint, it's so pretty. Anyway I then colored the glasses, eyes, and eyebrows. I took the tan colored pencil and colored in his face. Last but not least, I took a salmon colored pencil and added some shadowing and gave his face some color.

This is the final product of my drawing. 

I forgot, don't forget to sign your name!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Wolf Girl

   Artistic Abilities: Wolf Girl

  This week I drew a picture of a girl and a wolf on top of her. I got the picture idea from the app "We Heart It". The materials I used were a wooden pencil and a Strathmore drawing book (bought at Michaels). First I looked at the picture I used for inspiration. I started off by taking my pencil and drawing out the shape of the girl's face. Then I went back and perfected it. From there I began to shape the head and the body of the wolf. I added texture to make the wolf look fluffy and soft. One main issue I have when I draw people or animals is hair. It took me about 5-10 minutes to make the hair nice. Another, issue I have is making the eye as perfect as possible, by that I mean to draw it in the right perspective and shape. I had to redo it a couple times to make it the way I like it.  I'm a perfectionist so I always have to go back to the part I think looks bad and fix it until it looks perfect. I ended up fixing it and adding things to make the picture better. Last but not least, I took two fingers and rubbed the picture to smear the pencil marks to make it look like it had shadows. 

This is how the final product looks. Don't forget to finish the picture by signing your name at the top!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Hamsa Drawings

Artistic Abilities: Hamsa Drawings

            This week I am going to show you guys my newest drawings. I did this drawing at home and the drawings I have completed is a Hamsa. The Hamsa is mostly known in the Middle East and North Africa. I did  these drawings with a thin black marker and I did it on my Strathmore Drawing Paper sketchpad. I got my materials from Michaels Craft Store. For these pictures the first step I did was I took a pencil and sketched out the main shape. I couldn't to do that for the inner shapes that were larger. Then I took my thin black marker and did the details and the rest of the picture.

This is a picture of my first Hamsa drawing. It has many little details and I had to take my time and you must be very careful not to smear the the ink. 

This is the second Hamsa i drew. I took the same steps as the other picture. Don't forget to be very careful not to smear or ink.