Friday, December 12, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Random Thoughts

Artistic Abilities:Random Thoughts

This week I was very busy and had no time to draw so I thought I would do a second "Talking about Art". This week I tried drawing the limited amount of free time that I had, but nothing was turing out good and I was getting tired. In art class I am doing a new realistic acrylic painting. I don't really know what to talk about, but I want to say that I love Iggy Azalea. I love her music and her story. By the way I am currently listening to her songs on spotify. I am so sorry I haven't posted a blog about art in two weeks. My birthday is in less than two weeks and I'm so excited to be fourteen. We did a secret santa with my friends and we gave the gifts today and my friend got me a Iggy Azalea shirt and I am in love with it. Tomorrow I am going to my friend's house to bake Christmas cookies and I'm so happy. I don't know where this blog is going but it's okay because I have nothing in my mind to blog about. I'm going to Big Bear during winter break and I'm so excited to go on vacation with my family. My uncle's girlfriend is moving here from Australia and I'm so happy because I haven't seen her in so long. Anyway, sorry this week's blog wasn't cool but next week will be better. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Talking About Art

Artistic Abilities: Talking About Art

This week I did not have the time to draw a picture so I decided to talk about art. For me, art is something that lets me show my creative side and lets me express my feelings. My drawings are drawings that mean something to me and they all have a different meaning behind them. I used to take piano lessons and I didn't like it much and I liked art better, so I took art classes instead and I'm so happy I did because I am so proud of myself for improving and caring so much about art. At art class I do many different mediums of art. MY favorite has to be oil paintings or acrylic. I love to paint and love mixing different colors to create new and beautiful ones. My least favorite medium is watercolor because it is to messy and I don't like the way my pictures turn out in watercolor. When I'm at home I love to put music on and draw. It takes my mind off everything and makes my boredom go away. I thank art for being the thing that makes me forget all my troubles. So thats it for this weeks blog, sorry it wasn't very interesting and I'll talk to you guys next week.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Artistic Abilities: App Collage

Artistic Abilities: App Collage

This week I drew a collage of all my favorite apps. I thought of this idea in class and I liked how I imagined it. It took me a while to place everything how I wanted and then I started to add the details and draw the apps. I had to redraw this picture about 4 times because I didn't like how it turned out. I then went over the apps in a black sharpie and thin black marker. I used colored pencils for the colors. I started at one app and worked my way around. After a few times of having to retrace it because I didn't like it, I finally got it the way I liked it. For this picture I wanted the apps to pop so I had to color hard and make the colors dark so it stands out. The apps I used it this picture were:
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Snapchat
  • Spotify
  • Youtube
  • Netflix
  • Facebook
  • Tumblr
  • We Heart It
I really liked the final outcome and I enjoyed drawing and coloring this picture. My favorite type if pictures to draw are colorful and eye catching pictures.

This is the final product of the drawing. Don't Forget to add your signature at the top.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Youtuber Drawing #2

Artistic Abilities: Youtuber Drawing #2

This week I drew a picture of another youtuber named, Andrea Russett. The materials I used were my drawing book and pencil. I drew this picture looking at a selfie she posted on her instagram. I didn't draw her mouth or nose because I didn't like how it looked. For starters, I began to draw her head shape. I then shaped out her hair and made it look nice. After that I began to draw her eyes and put in her eyebrows. Once, I got the eyes centered and even, I began to add the details in her eyes and make them look realistic.  I then began to draw in her shirt. I added all the details to her clothes and added details to her hair. After, I checked if the hair was perfect. Then I checked if the clothes and eyes were good. Last but not least, I checked the whole picture again to see if I should add anything. 

This is the final product. Once I was all done I wrote her name on the top. Don't forget to sign your name!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Oil Toucan

Artistic Abilities: Oil Toucan

This week I drew a Toucan at my art class. I did this picture in acrylic paint and then switched to Oil. I started off by taking the example picture out and then went ahead and sketched the Toucan and then I transferred my sketch to a canvas. I then took out my acrylics and did the background and the body. I then took out the oil paints and did the details, the background, and the body. This process took me about 2-3 months. Oil paintings take a while to dry so I had another picture I was working on in between. I corrected everything, fixed some details, and made everything perfect. This picture is a realistic painting so I had to paint in feathers and extra detail to make it as real as it can. This was my first time doing a realistic painting and oil painting so it was difficult at first, but at the end I got used to it and now I like oil paintings.

 This is the finished picture.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Artistic Abilities:Everything That Explains Me

Artistic Abilities:Everything That Explains Me

This week I drew a collage of everything that I love. I got this idea from an artist on Instagram, but had different interests so I changed the picture. So I started of by tracing everything and putting everything in the right place. Then I began to color each little picture and and I started off with the pencil and worked my way up. I used a black sharpie, crayola markers, a pencil, and a thing artist marker from Michaels. So I continued to color all the little pictures. I went over the pictures with a black sharpie and a thin marker. The pictures I used were:
  • the Instagram logo
  • Twitter logo
  • pencil and eraser
  • a crown
  • starbucks drink
  • Youtube logo
  • Armenian flag
  • Pretty Little Liars "A"
  • British flag for One Direction
  • a rainbow
  • a sharpie
  • a snow cone
  • 5SOS logo     

Once I was done I wrote my name on the bottom. Be careful and take your time. You can change any logo and make it your own.

This is the final product of the picture. The last step was to sign my name at the top.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Aliens Love Pizza

Artistic Abilities:Aliens Love Pizza

This weeks drawing is a picture I drew and colored a couple months ago. The materials I used for this picture are colored pencils, a pencil, and my drawing book. I got the idea for this picture from the app "We Heart It". I started this drawing off by sketching the pizza box, the head, the arms, and the main parts of the picture. I continued to do this until it looked the way I wanted. Once I finished, I began to outline the body, the box, and head with a black colored pencil. I then started to color in the pizza box. I used a gray colored pencil. I continued to color in the pizza with a red, orange, yellow, and a light brown. Once I finished the pizza box and pizza, I started to color in the head and the body. For this I used a yellowish-green and I went back and added some dark green for shadow. After I finished all the coloring, I went back to the box and wrote the sentence, "You're Outta This World", in a black colored pencil. This picture didn't take me long and it was easy to do but, I love pizza so it was a perfect picture for me.
 This is the final product of my picture. I finished off the picture by signing my name.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Miley Cyrus

Artistic Abilities: Miley Cyrus

This week the picture I am going to talk about is a picture I drew adoring the summer time at my mom's work. I got the idea from the app "We Heart It". This is a picture of Miley Cyrus as a cartoon version. The materials I used were a pencil and a blank sheet of paper. The first thing I did was I sketched out her hair and her head shape. Then, I began to draw her body and the ice cream cone she is holding. I began to draw in the eyes and and lips and added detail to her hair. This picture is a cartoon so it isn't very difficult to draw and doesn't have to be precise. I became a little creative and added my own touch to the picture by designing the shirt a different design. I made the eyes big and cartoon looking. I  made the hair big and bushy to give it the cartoon affect. This picture was pretty easy to draw and you could color it, but I liked how it looked as a sketch. 

This is the final product of the picture. I think it looks like Miley Cyrus and it looks cute. I finished this picture off by signing my name next to Miley.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Pastel Sunset

Artistic Abilities: Pastel Sunset

This weeks drawing is a drawing I did about 7 months ago at my art class. So first I chose the picture I wanted from Google Images. I then printed it out and took a piece of tracing paper and I traced the cactus and hills. I then, took pastel paper and sketched out and drew out the shapes. Once I got the shapes in, I took out the pastels and started working on the sunset. The sunset has many different colors and shades. First, I started with the lightest color I saw, and started from the top and made my way to the bottom. 

Tip: Start from the top and work your way down to prevent smearing and smudging the pastel.

The process, to finish the whole sunset, took me about a month and a half. I go to art once a week so it took me about 6 weeks to complete the  colors and shades in the sunset. Once, I got all the shades and different colors into the sunset, I began to use the black pastel for the cactus and hills. Putting the black makes the picture pop.

Tip: Every few steps you finish, take hairspray and spray the picture to make the pastel stay on.

Tip: You should put the black pastel on last so it does the smear and ruin the sunset or other parts of the picture.

 The last part of the picture I completed was to take a yellow-orange color and do the small sun showing on the bottom, on top of the hill.

This picture took overall about two to two and a half months.

This is the final product of the picture I completed in art class. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Hipster Girl

Artistic Abilities: Hipster Girl

This weeks drawing is a picture I call "Hipster Girl" because she has pink hair with a flower crown and it looks like she is hipster. The picture I used for inspiration was from the app "We Heart It". The materials I used were my Strathmore drawing book, a pencil, and Crayola colored pencils. I started off by sketching the body and face. Then I started to sketch in the bun and the flowers on it. Once I got it the way I liked, I added in the little details and made it perfect. This drawing didn't have very much shapes or details to it, so it wasn't very difficult to sketch. When I finished the sketch, I took my colored pencils and started coloring the flowers. I then took a tan colored pencil and shadowed the body. I added black to the eyelashes and traced the body with a black colored pencil very lightly. Then I took a light pink color and started to add in the hair. To make the hair look real, I would put my pencil at the bottom of the hair and lightly stroke the pencil upwards. I would continue to do this for the whole bun. Once I finished with the pink, I took my black colored pencil and on the bottom and top of the bun I added very little black to make shadows. At the end I took my black and pink colored pencil and began to add a few pieces of hair on the bottom of the bun to make the hair look messy and to add a little detail to it.

This is the final product of my drawing. I finished it off by signing my name and the date. This drawing was done a couple months ago.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Tyler Oakley (Youtuber)

Artistic Abilities: Tyler Oakley (Youtuber)

 This week I decided to do something a little different. I chose to draw and color one of my favorite youtubers', Tyler Oakley. The reason I decided on this picture is because I love his hair color and I wanted to draw something with a bit of color. I found this picture on the app "We Heart It". The materials I used were the Strathmore drawing book, a pencil, and Crayola colored pencils. First off I started to sketch the shape of his head. Then I began to draw in his glasses and ears. Following that I sketched in his hair but, I made it a little messy. After that I drew in the eyes and of coarse, I had trouble with it. A few minutes later I got it just the way I wanted. After, adding in the nose, mouth, and eyebrows, I took out my colored pencils. I looked at the picture of him I got from the app and began to color in his hair. Like I said, I love his hair! I love the color, Mint, it's so pretty. Anyway I then colored the glasses, eyes, and eyebrows. I took the tan colored pencil and colored in his face. Last but not least, I took a salmon colored pencil and added some shadowing and gave his face some color.

This is the final product of my drawing. 

I forgot, don't forget to sign your name!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Wolf Girl

   Artistic Abilities: Wolf Girl

  This week I drew a picture of a girl and a wolf on top of her. I got the picture idea from the app "We Heart It". The materials I used were a wooden pencil and a Strathmore drawing book (bought at Michaels). First I looked at the picture I used for inspiration. I started off by taking my pencil and drawing out the shape of the girl's face. Then I went back and perfected it. From there I began to shape the head and the body of the wolf. I added texture to make the wolf look fluffy and soft. One main issue I have when I draw people or animals is hair. It took me about 5-10 minutes to make the hair nice. Another, issue I have is making the eye as perfect as possible, by that I mean to draw it in the right perspective and shape. I had to redo it a couple times to make it the way I like it.  I'm a perfectionist so I always have to go back to the part I think looks bad and fix it until it looks perfect. I ended up fixing it and adding things to make the picture better. Last but not least, I took two fingers and rubbed the picture to smear the pencil marks to make it look like it had shadows. 

This is how the final product looks. Don't forget to finish the picture by signing your name at the top!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Artistic Abilities: Hamsa Drawings

Artistic Abilities: Hamsa Drawings

            This week I am going to show you guys my newest drawings. I did this drawing at home and the drawings I have completed is a Hamsa. The Hamsa is mostly known in the Middle East and North Africa. I did  these drawings with a thin black marker and I did it on my Strathmore Drawing Paper sketchpad. I got my materials from Michaels Craft Store. For these pictures the first step I did was I took a pencil and sketched out the main shape. I couldn't to do that for the inner shapes that were larger. Then I took my thin black marker and did the details and the rest of the picture.

This is a picture of my first Hamsa drawing. It has many little details and I had to take my time and you must be very careful not to smear the the ink. 

This is the second Hamsa i drew. I took the same steps as the other picture. Don't forget to be very careful not to smear or ink.